Wedding Photo-Video coverage

Photo & Video Pack

Growing together in both life and our projects, offering a photo and video duo coverage for your wedding in Var and Provence was an obvious choice.

Our wedding photography and videography services are exactly the same as if you were hiring two separate providers. However, instead of managing two different vendors—with all that entails (search, coordination, higher costs)—you’ll have a single point of contact, and we’ll take care of all the images that will preserve the memories of your special day.

Since we’re used to working together, this is the best solution—for you and for us!

  • Photo
  • $100/ M
  • Preliminary meeting over coffee or remotely

    Coverage from preparations to the end of the night

    Color grading

    Online gallery

  • Our photosOur photos
  • Video
  • $100/ M
  • Coverage from preparations to the end of the night

    Editing and color grading

    4-minute short film in 4K

    20-minute film in 4K

  • Our filmsOur films

All options available for the photo service and the video service are valid for this pack.

Contact us nowContact us now

Discover our wedding photo & video reports captured as a duo !

The Birdies, wedding photo-video duo, in Var and Provence